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Stuff for the new baby

Posted by Rachel F on Tuesday, August 9, 2011,
Here's a few things for the little brother.

My first Christmas onesie

newbie hat and booties
Snowman hat and booties set

tuxedo onesie
closeup of embroidery
Tuxedo onesie

Yeah, I've been having fun with the embroidery machine.  Stay tuned for more!

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Just a smile :)

Posted by Rachel F on Tuesday, August 2, 2011,
At the end of the day, is there anything more rewarding than watching your child go to sleep with a smile on his face?

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Posted by Rachel F on Sunday, July 31, 2011,
Wow. Did I totally abandon my blog or what?
Oh well.

The chickens didn't work out so great.  So my mom took them off my hands.  I kept the ducks, but the raccoons ate them.  I had one remaining duck that went to live with the chickens at my mom and dad's.  Supposedly the chickens are producing eggs now....Hmmm...wonder if I could take them back now...

My Little Rhino

Rhino seems to learn something new every day.  And I am totally fascinated and in awe of him.  Today we went to a birthday party at...
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Duckfish Farm

Posted by Rachel F on Wednesday, March 16, 2011,
Well, my 6 chicks plus 4 ducks is now 13 chickens and 3 ducks.  Sadly, the little black duckling didn't make it.  We went to the chicken expo this past weekend to buy some egg-laying ducks.  They had seven little chicks left, and even though I only planned to come home with 3, somehow all 7 did. (But they were on sale!!!)  My mom agreed to take a few home when they are big enough to no longer need the heat lamp, so let's see if she sticks to that.  (Please?)

So they are:
6 Cornish Rock
1 Easter ...
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Here Chick, Chick,Chick

Posted by Rachel F on Friday, March 11, 2011,
Guess what we got! A half dozen little yellow fuzzballs. Let Rhino introduce you.

He was really excited that we got to bring them home. 

And then, today we got 4 little ducklings to join them!  Here's the whole crew!


The little black duck isn't doing too well. I hope he makes it through the night.

It seems though when we go back to the store and Rhino looks at the bunny rabbits, he looks at me like he wants to bring those home too.  I don't think I'm ready for that!

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Rhino goes potty

Posted by Rachel F on Wednesday, March 9, 2011,
Well, Rhino has decided that he wants to use the potty.  He's been doing pretty good this week.  On Monday we had a pretty dry morning and put the diaper back on around lunch.  This morning he went potty first thing, then around 10 I took him to the bathroom because I thought he needed to pee.  Well, turns out, he did, but he also needed to go number 2. So yay for catching that in the bathroom.  Although I have to say, cleaning a dirty diaper is a lot easier than having to clean a darn potty ...
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Rhino's better and I've got peas!

Posted by Rachel F on Thursday, March 3, 2011,
I took Rhino to the doc yesterday because he wasn't feeling well.  Both ears were infected and his throat was red.  With the fever, coughing, and runny nose, the doc assured me that he needed an antibiotic.  Rhino got a shot, and I really think if they didn't make him lie down first, he would be okay with shots.  But that whole "lie back while Mommy holds you" just screams "RED ALERT!"  His fever went away about 8:30 last night and hasn't shown its ugly face today.  And Ryan has been playing ...
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The Gin Show

Posted by Rachel F on Tuesday, March 1, 2011,
This weekend we went to Memphis with my parents and brother to the Gin Show!  We had a really good time visiting with Mamaw and Papaw and Uncle D.  Although Rhino did not sleep well the entire time!  He still is having problems getting to sleep at night.  I am thinking that he might be having problems with allergies.  We started Allegra today so we shall see...

Here's a pic of Rhino and Uncle D! Rhino wasn't in the mood to take pictures. (Imagine that!)

But boy did he have fun playing in those ...
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The Adventures of Rhino

Posted by Rachel F on Friday, February 25, 2011,
On Sunday Rhino got a new car!  It was the display car at Toys-R-Us and they had it marked it came home with us. :)


This week Rhino has been to the movies to see Gnomeo & Juliet.  He didn't care for it too much.  About 40 minutes into the show, he fell out in the middle aisle and refused to get up to watch anymore of it. 

So we left the theater, and since we were already at the mall, we rode the carousel. Rhino rode the dragon! 


After that, we came home and Rhino got to eat some c...
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Garden Update

Posted by Rachel F on Friday, February 25, 2011,
Today was a great day out in the yard.  It threatened to rain all day long making it super humid out there, but what do you expect? It's Louisiana!

Rhino woke up and had bananas and oatmeal for breakfast. Eh, he likes it.  Then we headed outside for the day.

I marked off the yard to show where my garden will be.  Oooh, this is the first year I will have a garden that won't be in the flower beds. Yay!  I made four 4'x8' rectangles each 4 feet apart from each other.  That way, my hubby can still ...
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Rhino and Buzz

Posted by Rachel F on Thursday, February 17, 2011,
My little boy loves him some Toy Story! Especially Buzz.  He babbles and talks all day long, but you can't understand most of what he is saying.  But he will point to Buzz Lightyear and say "Guts."  I have recorded Toy Story on our DVR, and today, as I was flipping through all the recorded shows to find something to watch, I passed by Toy Story.  Rhino saw the little picture in the corner of the screen and pointed and said "guts."  I told him, no, not now.  So he goes and picks up his Toy Sto...
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Garden 2011

Posted by Rachel F on Wednesday, February 16, 2011,
I started my seeds indoors for this year's garden.  I have tomatoes, bell peppers, and garden berries.  I use a variety of sources to obtain my seeds, Baker Creek, Blue Ribbon Tomatoes,, and the local Lowe's.  I put them in my little seed starter greenhouse on February 10.  Saw my first little sprouts on the 14th! Yay! Every day more and more come up.  I'm so excited.

However, I seem to have some kind of grayish-white hairs growing on them.  It seems I have a mold problem.  I've...
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We've Got Visitors!

Posted by Rachel F on Tuesday, January 25, 2011,
My sister is in town and staying with us a few days. Also, my little niece Rosie is here for a couple days as well!  Rhino and Rosie have had a great time playing with each other yesterday and today. 

Here is Rhino and Rosie having dinner.  Vegetable lasagna...yum!!!  I'm sure that Rosie is wearing more of her lasagna than she ate.  But it's okay. They had seconds. :)

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Rhino's been sick.

Posted by Rachel on Thursday, January 20, 2011,
So my lil Rhino has had the stomach bug this week.  Sunday when he woke up, we could tell he wasn't feeling well.  He wanted to lay around all day and didn't want to eat.  We did manage to get something in his stomach by suppertime. Boy was that a mistake!  Around midnight, he threw up in the bed. Yuck.  I changed the sheets, washed him up, put him back in the bed, and then he did it again!  Finally after changing the sheets again, we got to go to sleep.

Last night was the first night this wee...
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My attempt at a blog.

Posted by Rachel on Wednesday, January 19, 2011,
I've tried to start a blog a couple times before, but I always forget to go back and update it.  So here's starting anew in the new year!

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About Me

I am a stay-at-home mom to my lil Rhino who is 16 months old. I like to sew, embroider, and lots of other crafts. I also attempt gardening without the use of synthetic chemicals.


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