Rhino and Buzz

February 17, 2011
My little boy loves him some Toy Story! Especially Buzz.  He babbles and talks all day long, but you can't understand most of what he is saying.  But he will point to Buzz Lightyear and say "Guts."  I have recorded Toy Story on our DVR, and today, as I was flipping through all the recorded shows to find something to watch, I passed by Toy Story.  Rhino saw the little picture in the corner of the screen and pointed and said "guts."  I told him, no, not now.  So he goes and picks up his Toy Story shoes and points at the picture of Buzz on the shoe, then points at the tv. "No, we are not watching Toy Story," I say.

He was more than upset.  Crying, screaming, upset.  I am shocked that at 16 months old, he is already putting all this together.  I told him to hush up his crying and give me a hug.  We ended up watching Toy Story.  I know, I know. I'm such a wimp.  I let him throw a fit and get his way! Oh well.  He did end up sitting and watching the entire show!  Which is amazing since he won't sit through any show longer than the intro song.

Toy Story isn't that bad.  I think I'm okay with my son's obsession with Toy Story and "Guts."  Hey, it's better than Barney, the big purple dinosaur, right?

Garden 2011

February 16, 2011
I started my seeds indoors for this year's garden.  I have tomatoes, bell peppers, and garden berries.  I use a variety of sources to obtain my seeds, Baker Creek, Blue Ribbon Tomatoes, wintersown.org, and the local Lowe's.  I put them in my little seed starter greenhouse on February 10.  Saw my first little sprouts on the 14th! Yay! Every day more and more come up.  I'm so excited.

However, I seem to have some kind of grayish-white hairs growing on them.  It seems I have a mold problem.  I've...
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We've Got Visitors!

January 25, 2011
My sister is in town and staying with us a few days. Also, my little niece Rosie is here for a couple days as well!  Rhino and Rosie have had a great time playing with each other yesterday and today. 

Here is Rhino and Rosie having dinner.  Vegetable lasagna...yum!!!  I'm sure that Rosie is wearing more of her lasagna than she ate.  But it's okay. They had seconds. :)

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Rhino's been sick.

January 20, 2011
So my lil Rhino has had the stomach bug this week.  Sunday when he woke up, we could tell he wasn't feeling well.  He wanted to lay around all day and didn't want to eat.  We did manage to get something in his stomach by suppertime. Boy was that a mistake!  Around midnight, he threw up in the bed. Yuck.  I changed the sheets, washed him up, put him back in the bed, and then he did it again!  Finally after changing the sheets again, we got to go to sleep.

Last night was the first night this wee...
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My attempt at a blog.

January 19, 2011
I've tried to start a blog a couple times before, but I always forget to go back and update it.  So here's starting anew in the new year!

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About Me

I am a stay-at-home mom to my lil Rhino who is 16 months old. I like to sew, embroider, and lots of other crafts. I also attempt gardening without the use of synthetic chemicals.


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