I took Rhino to the doc yesterday because he wasn't feeling well.  Both ears were infected and his throat was red.  With the fever, coughing, and runny nose, the doc assured me that he needed an antibiotic.  Rhino got a shot, and I really think if they didn't make him lie down first, he would be okay with shots.  But that whole "lie back while Mommy holds you" just screams "RED ALERT!"  His fever went away about 8:30 last night and hasn't shown its ugly face today.  And Ryan has been playing and acting good all day. Yay! 

Now let's hope I don't get sick. Ugh.

On a better note, I just checked outside and my peas that I planted last week are starting to come up! Yay!


I also had some pretty peach blossoms on my trees.



And check out the progress on all my little tomato plants.  I am going to need to repot them soon. They are getting leggy and outgrowing the greenhouse!


The beefsteak tomatoes that I planted late are making their arrival.

Photobucket I don't know what I am going to do with all these tomato plants! I am going to run out of yard! But it sure will be fun when Rhino gets to eat a fresh tomato straight from the garden.