On Sunday Rhino got a new car!  It was the display car at Toys-R-Us and they had it marked down..so it came home with us. :)


This week Rhino has been to the movies to see Gnomeo & Juliet.  He didn't care for it too much.  About 40 minutes into the show, he fell out in the middle aisle and refused to get up to watch anymore of it. 

So we left the theater, and since we were already at the mall, we rode the carousel. Rhino rode the dragon! 


After that, we came home and Rhino got to eat some candy. Man, he loved it.
I asked him to show me his tongue.


He went outside to burn off some of that sugar high.  But he couldn't forget the hat!


On Wedneday, we went to the Jungle Gym.


Today he didn't feel too well and I had yardwork to do so we just stayed at the house.  Tomorrow we are going to go see Mamaw and Papaw!!! Yay!