This weekend we went to Memphis with my parents and brother to the Gin Show!  We had a really good time visiting with Mamaw and Papaw and Uncle D.  Although Rhino did not sleep well the entire time!  He still is having problems getting to sleep at night.  I am thinking that he might be having problems with allergies.  We started Allegra today so we shall see...

Here's a pic of Rhino and Uncle D! Rhino wasn't in the mood to take pictures. (Imagine that!)

But boy did he have fun playing in those big tractors! (Are you reading this Papaw???)

Playing in tractors gets a boy hungry!  So we made a stop to have a snack on some Plum tots mish mash (bananas!) 


We got a lot of goodies at the gin show: candy, pens, pencils, notebooks, and little toys!  I also FINALLY bought me the potato slicer that cuts the potato into french fries.  First thing this morning I got it out of the box and washed it.  Then I had to cut a potato just to see what it can do! (Like I didn't already know...they DO demo the thing and let you use it before you buy it.)

For dinner that night Auntie just happened to be staying in West Memphis so she came over to have dinner with us!  Rhino was soooo happy to see her.  I'm glad that we got to visit, even if it was only for a couple hours before she had to go.

On the way back from Memphis, we stopped and picked up Rosie.  She will be staying with me and Rhino this week to play!  Oh the fun we will have (or am I crazy?)  I know that Rosie definitely has a blast when she comes over.



She LOVES the slide! And being able to climb up SO high!

Anyways, Rhino is not wanting to sleep well tonight so I must go and comfort him.